Personal Blog by Galen Wong


Opinions expressed are solely my own and do not express the views or opinions of my employer.

About Galen

Hi, my name is Galen Wong. I am a UCLA Computer Science undergrad. I mostly do work in JavaScript, especially frontend development with React. I also works with Go, C/C++ (learnt from school), and Python (my introductory language).

Meat and Flesh like me, and like you…

I don't like to put too much stuff on this page, since I know things are going to change and I don't want to come back and update it. I can't imagine the extend of boredom that it takes to get me to update my intro from “I was a UCLA CS…” to “I am working for blahblahblah”. If you are really interested in knowing me, contact me through email or facebook or whatever, or even better, meet me in real life. Yes, I do work with computer software, things that are mostly virtual. But ultimately they serve what is real and tangible: Meat and flesh like me, and like you.


What I am writing in this section are facts about me as of September 12, 2019. These are facts about the 2019-09-12 me that I will not need to update these in the future. However, they might not apply to the current me.

As of September 12th, 2019…

Cooking: I like it a lot. I specializes in Asian cuisine, (Southern Chinese) home cooked style food but with a bit of Japanese and Korean twist. It is hard to find home cooked style food in LA, despite the great food scene in Sawtelle. However, my favorite supermarket is the Nijiya in Sawtelle.

Photography: I like it a lot when I feel like it, meaning when my schedule is not filled with C/C++ assignment. You can find me and my work on insta @wonggalen. I actually do free grad photo shoot for people, only when I feel like it. If you want to model or want some stylish photo, hit me up but again only when I feel like it.

Music: My music taste mutates. But right now, the Taiwanese indies are my fav. A non-exhaustive list includes: Sunset Rollercoaster 日落飛車, 茄子蛋, 吿五人, 好樂團, 老王樂隊, deca joins, 草東沒有派對 Other than these, there are those that cannot be classified in the Taiwanese indie's category: ポルカドットスティングレイ polkadot stingray, Babymetal, 房東的貓, Jay Chou 周杰倫, 米津玄師, 萬能青年旅店

School: I think the best part about UCLA is probably ACM Hack. I got to teach some web dev, some Python, organize some hackathons, and meet some amazing people.